Kindom of Belgium
In the First World War Belgium was taken almost completely by German troops. For the occupying, different barons were intended, who took over the management of the occupied areas up to the collapse in 1918.
5 Centimes
1915-1916 Jägernummer: 608 |
10 Centimes
1915-1917 Jägernummer: 609 |
25 Centimes
1915-1918 Jägernummer: 610 |
50 Centimes
1918 Jägernummer: 611 Jahr: 1918 |
Bestellen: ss: 49,00 vz: 65,00 vz/st: 85,00 st: 115,00 |
Alle angezeigten Preise verstehen sich inklusive der gesetzlichen Umsatzsteuer.