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Intended Kindom of Poland

The German occupying power intended a kingdom Poland and allowed the new founded national credit bank in 1916 to mint secondary coins which should be equivalent to the German mark (100 Pfennig = 1 DM). The old currency, the ruble, was removed in 1917 by these secondary coins to the exchange rate of 2.16 DM. For the time being only 20-, 10-, 5-and 1-Pfennig - pieces were minted. Nevertheless, in the next year the occupying management was toppled and under these circumstances only the up to now minted Pfennig – coins remained in Poland until these were completely substituted in 1923 by own currency.


1 Fenig 1917-1918

Jägernummer: 604
1917 F kam nicht in den Zahlungsverkehr.

5 Fenigow 1917-1918

Jägernummer: 605

10 Fenigow 1917-1918

Jägernummer: 606a

10 Fenigow 1917

Jägernummer: 606b Jahr: 1917

(Schrift berührt den Rand)
Auflage(Stück) st: in 606a

ss: 42,00
vz: 65,00
vz/st: 85,00
st: 110,00

10 Fenigow 1917

Jägernummer: 606Z Jahr: 1917

(artfremde Ronde)
Auflage(Stück) st: in 606a

ss: LP
vz: LP
vz/st: LP
st: LP

20 Fenigow 1917-1918

Jägernummer: 607

Alle angezeigten Preise verstehen sich inklusive der gesetzlichen Umsatzsteuer.