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Trial Strikes and Rarities


10 Mark Käthe Kollwitz trial

Jägernummer: 1519F Jahr: 1967

As a result of a confusion of the round blanks only some copies with the edge lettering “10 Mark * 10 Mark * 10 Mark” were minted.

st: 190,00

20 Mark Wilhelm von Humboldt trial

Jägernummer: 1520F Jahr: 1967

As a result of a confusion of the round blanks only some copies with the edge lettering “20 Mark * 20 Mark * 20 Mark” were minted.

st: 195,00

5 Mark 20 Jahre DDR alloy trial

Jägernummer: 1524P Jahr: 1969

By application of the original stamps, material trials of these coins were minted by using the alloy Cu 750 / Ni259.
Auflage(Stück) st: 12.741

st: 55,00

10 Mark Theodor Neubauer motive trial

Jägernummer: M1 Jahr: 1967

Trial strikes on sinter material, without annual number and declared value. The back shows Dr. Theodor Neubauer (1880 - 1945), portrait on laurel branch, edge lettering "10 DM der Deutschen Notenbank".
Auflage(Stück) st: 23

st: 9.500,00

10 Mark 25 Jahre DDR silver-trial

Jägernummer: 1551S Jahr: 1974

By using the original stamps of the front and back, however, with the edge lettering "10 DM * 10 DM * 10 DM" trial strikes by the alloy Ag500 / Cu 500 were minted.
Auflage(Stück) st: 1.500

st: 990,00

10 Mark Bimetal trial Probe Caspar David Friedrich

Jägernummer: 1553P Jahr: 1983

Auflage(Stück) st: ca. 3 Exemplare

st: 6.900,00

10 Mark Albert Schweitzer silver-trial

Jägernummer: 1554P1 Jahr: 1975

Metal trials by using the original stamp of the front and the original stamp of the 10 Mark coin back – Warschauer Vertrag- were minted. Alloy is Ag 500 / Cu 500.
Auflage(Stück) st: 8.810

st: 110,00

20 Mark Johann Sebastian Bach silver-trial

Jägernummer: 1555P Jahr: 1975

The trials were coined with a recessed mint relief of the front.
Auflage(Stück) st: 10.261

vz: 100,00
st: 140,00

10 Mark Otto von Guericke motive trial

Jägernummer: 1565P Jahr: 1977

As motive for the trial strike the experiment „horse drawn with Magdeburger hemispheres” was applied. The front shows the horse drawn with 8 horses and the Magdeburger hemispheres. Down to the motive the annual number "1602-1686" and in a semicircle "OTTO v. GUERICKE" is minted. The back do not show the year of coinage but the word “Probe”.
Auflage(Stück) st: 6.000

st: 345,00

10 Mark Weltraumflug material trial

Jägernummer: 1568S Jahr: 1978

100 specimens were minted by the original stamps in silver. Nevertheless, according to the protocol of the state bank of Berlin 84 copies were destroyed.
Auflage(Stück) PP: 16

PP: 12.000,00

20 Mark Ernst Abbe counter-stamp trial / Summer Olympics In Moscow

Jahr: 1980

There exist 2 variations with counter-stamp. The first variation with correct annual number (XXII) was stamped 800 times; the second variation with wrong annual number (XIX) was stamped 400 times.
Auflage(Stück) st: 1.200

st: 690,00

20 Mark 30 Jahre DDR motive trial

Jägernummer: 1573P2 Jahr: 1979

The front of this coin was minted with a leaf-like symbolic representation and the text "1949, 1979 30. JAHRESTAG DER DDR”. At the back the word “PROBE” is applied instead the annual number.
Auflage(Stück) st: 10.000

st: 110,00

10 Mark 700 Jahre Münze Berlin motive trial

Jägernummer: 1582P1 Jahr: 1981

For this coin the first golden guilder minted in 1513 in Berlin was used as a motive. The front shows the reproduction of the golden guilder as well as the inscription "700 Jahre * Münzprägung Berlin * ". At the back the word “Probe” is applied down to the currency name “MARK”. As edge alignment: "ERSTE GOLDGULDEN PRÄGUNG UM 1513+ ".
Auflage(Stück) PP: 2.250

PP: 850,00

Medaille Cloves trial - 30 Jahre DDR

Jahr: 1979

PP: 1.295,00

20 Mark Clara Zetkin motive trial

Jägernummer: 1587P Jahr: 1982

For the motive trial a special view of Clara Zetkins head picture was used. Arranged in a semicircle the inscription "CLARA ZETKIN 1858-1933" was used. 90 pieces of this motive trial were coined and consecutively numbered from 1 to 90.
Auflage(Stück) st: 90

st: 8.900,00

5 Mark Goethes Gartenhaus production trial

Jägernummer: 1585P Jahr: 1982

“Proof” trials were minted by using the original stamps of the front and back. The production trials are numbered consecutively from 1 to 210. For the trial the group of trees located behind the summer house is not matted.
Auflage(Stück) PP: 210

PP: 3.750,00

20 Mark Martin Luther material trial

Jägernummer: 1591P Jahr: 1983

Trial strikes by using the original stamp of the front and the original stamp back were minted. Responsible alloy is Cu 620 / Ni 180 / Zn 200. Down to the annual number the coins were marked by the word "Probe”. The coins were numbered consecutively from 1 to 100.
Auflage(Stück) st: 100

st: 5.900,00

20 Mark Karl Marx motive trial

Jägernummer: 1592P Jahr: 1983

As a variation this coin with the annual figures "1813 and 1883" was minted on the left or to the right of the head picture. These coins are signified by the word “Probe” down to the word "DDR" and were numbered consecutively from 1 to 100.
Auflage(Stück) st: 100

st: 3.900,00

10 Mark 30 Jahre Kampfgruppen motive trial

Jägernummer: 1593P Jahr: 1983

The front was stamped as a variation with the emblem of the fight groups on the sleeve of the fighter. At the back the word “Probe” is located below the annual. The coins are numbered serially from 1 to 100.
Auflage(Stück) st: 100

st: 3.900,00

10 Mark 40 Jahre Befreiung material trial

Jägernummer: 1603P1 Jahr: 1985

Material trial in red gold (66 copies) and white gold (200 copies)
Auflage(Stück) st: 266

st: 7.800,00

10 Mark 40 Jahre Befreiung material trial

Jägernummer: 1603P2 Jahr: 1985

With the original stamps of the front and back, as well as the knurling of the 10 DM commemorative coin the following described trials were minted.
Auflage(Stück) st: 10
Auflage(Stück) PP: 10

st: 22.000,00
PP: 22.000,00

10 Mark 40 Jahre Befreiung production trial

Jägernummer: 1603P4 Jahr: 1985

As another variation of this coin 50 trial strikes with a bigger mint picture on the front were coined.
Auflage(Stück) st: 50

st: 6.500,00

5 Mark 40 Jahre Befreiung motive trial

Jägernummer: 1603P5 Jahr: 1985

For the annual of “40-years of freeing” 300 motive trials with the declared value of 5 DM were minted. Besides, the front shows a soldier of the Red Army while hoisting the flag of victory on the ruin of Reichstag building in Berlin on 2nd of May, 1945. A historical photo was used as model. Arranged on the left, the stroke "40. JAHRESTAG” was applied down below ordered in semi-circle "DER BEFREIUNG VOM FASCHISMUS”. The trials are numbered consecutively from 1 to 300.
Auflage(Stück) st: 300

st: 2.350,00

40. Jahrestag der Befreiung mint set

Jahr: 1985

5 Mark ”swinging flags“ trial.
10 Mark “40-years of freeing”

Auflage(Stück) st: wenige Exemplare bekannt

st: 2.950,00

10 Mark Humboldt Universität motive trial

Jägernummer: 1606P2 Jahr: 1985

The motive trial, stamped on the same occasion, shows the university building without monuments. In addition a circle with the inscription:
At the back and below the declared value "10 DM" the national coat of arms of the GDR and the inscription "DEUTSCHE DEMOKRATISCHE REPUBLIK 1985" is shown.
The mint mark “A” stands above the declared value.

Auflage(Stück) st: 112

st: 7.950,00

10 Mark Ernst Thälmann silver-trial

Jägernummer: 1608P Jahr: 1986

With the original stamps of the front and back trial strikes were manufactured by the use of alloy Ag 500/Cu 500. These trials are marked with “P” beside the state coat of arms.
Auflage(Stück) st: 107

st: 4.600,00

5 Mark Einsteinturm motive trial

Jägernummer: 1610P Jahr: 1986

On the front the trial shows the motive and the inscription "Einsteinturm, Potsdam". Between motive and the edge writing "Potsdam" this trial is marked with "P".
Auflage(Stück) st: 10

st: 37.500,00

20 Mark Carl Zeiss production trial

Jägernummer: 1621P Jahr: 1988

These trials were minted by the original stamps of the front and back under use of larger edge writings.
Auflage(Stück) st: 15

st: 12.500,00

10 Mark Trial 40 Jahre Sportbund

Jägernummer: 1623P Jahr: 1988

With the original stamps of the front and back trials in “proof” were coined by using the alloy of Ag 500/Cu 500. At the back the trials are marked with “P” below the declared value.
Auflage(Stück) PP: 1.000

PP: 895,00

10 Mark 1989 40 Jahre DDR production trial

Jägernummer: 1630P1 Jahr: 1989

This production trial shows the Berlin coat of arms with clearance around the wall coping. The whole goods group is matted flatly.
Auflage(Stück) PP: 10

PP: 14.500,00

10 Mark 1989 40 Jahre DDR material trial

Jägernummer: 1630P2 Jahr: 1989

Auflage(Stück) st: 10
Auflage(Stück) PP: 10

st: 29.000,00
PP: 29.000,00

5 Mark 500 Jahre Postwesen motive trial

Jägernummer: 1631P Jahr: 1990

This motive trial shows on the front a post horn and the inscription "500 JAHRE POSTWESEN". At the back the mint mark “P” is to be seen on the right below the state coat of arms.
Auflage(Stück) st: 110

st: 5.500,00

Schadowfries - Mint Set

Jahr: 1983

st: 625,00
PP: 1.080,00

Stadtsiegel-Paar / Town Seal pair

Jahr: 1987

As a part of the whole edition of 45,000 pieces two different variations each of 2,100 pieces were minted in quality "proof". The variations show different implementation of the front. This case

Variation 1: Middle section entirely matted
Variation 2: Relief of the middle section matted, coin background polished

Auflage(Stück) PP: 2.100

PP: 1.395,00

5 Mark Brandenburg Gate Mint Set

Jahr: 1987

The Brandenburg Gate pieces (10-set) from 1971 to 1987 in the plastic case.
Auflage(Stück) st: 3.000

st: 1.995,00

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